

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Review #7 - The Fiesta Beer Review

One of the Escandon siblings decided that her garage would make a great setting for a beer tasting for toda la familia! So everyone and their uncle came over to taste a random assortment of brews and merriment was had by all.

Beer #1 - Alaskan Jalapeño Imperial IPA
8.5% ABV
Red in color

Mamma Whittington - The color is nice.
Ruben Jr. - It's not spicey, but I taste the jalapeño flavor. I could drink this with nachos!
Pappa Whittington - If you hold it in your mouth you'll taste the jalapeño.
Lynn - I still don't taste any jalapeño.
Kurt - Blah.
Melinda - Not a fan.

Beer #2 - Josephsbrau Bawarian Style Hefeweizen
5.3% ABV

Kurt - Is this a UTI beer, Mel?
Melinda - Nah, it's something else. It's rather thick! Has a cinnamon taste.
Lynn - It has a spice to it.
Tiff - A winter spice.
Kurt - Wow, it tastes very smooth on your tongue.
Lynn - Not my favorite hef.
Christina - I do taste the clove.
Ruben Sr. - I def taste the dirt in it.

Beer #3 - Green Flash Treasure Chest IPA
5.7% ABV

Melinda - It's a UTI for sure.
Lynn - It's not a football beer!
Ruben Jr. - It'd be good with fish tacos.
 - Lyn - Yeah, fish tacos with mango salsa!
Ruben Jr., Jr. - It's not too heavy. I like it.
Jamison - I don't taste the grapefruit, but it's good. Refreshing.
Kurt - It's not bad, but it's a run-of-the-mill IPA.

Beer #4 - Ballast Point Sculpin IPA
7% ABV

Christina - This is a staple beer.
Ruben Jr. - Yeah, this has become the go-to IPA.
Papa Whittington - It has a good crispness to it.
Christina - It's hoppy but not too hoppy.
Tiff - I could drink a whole bottle and brush my teeth with it.
Melinda - Ugh, I can't do that one.

Beer #5 - Firestone 805
4.7% ABV

Ruben Jr. - This is my favorite!
Lyn - It's the best.
Kurt - Boring!
Jamison - Eh, I think it's pretty good. Refreshing.
Christina - It looks like Miller Lite.
Melinda - It tastes like water.
Mama Whittington - The pickles are good! (winner of random comment of the day)

Beer #6 - Ale Smith Evil Dead Red
6.6% ABV
Red Ale

Christina - It smells like an IPA.
Papa Whittington - Its kind of malty.
Lynn - It's too strong for me, but I like it better than an IPA.
Jamison - It's okay.
Kurt - Yeah, it's not bad, but ever since I threw up a pitcher of red, I'm not a fan.
Ruben Jr., Jr. - I like it. I like darker beers.

Beer #7 - Saint Archer White Ale
5% ABV

Melinda - It smells like pee.
Ruben Jr., Jr. - Yeah, smells like a dirty bathroom.
 - Melinda - On your way to Fresno!
- Ruben Jr., Jr. - Or a bathroom trying to be clean.
Christina - The initial taste is lemony.
Mamma Whittington - It's refreshing.
Papa Whittington - Definitely has an orange peel taste.
Ruben Jr. - Tastes like pee!
Mamma Whittington - How do you know what pee tastes like???
Ruben Jr. - Well, I was out in the desert this one time . . .

Beer #8 - Knee Deep Brewing Co. Simtra Tripel IPA
11.25% ABV

Kurt - Smells like going on a hike.
Lynn - I don't like it.
Tiff - Less hoppy than I thought it would be.
Papa Whittington - I love it - got some kick to it!

Beer #9 - Guiness Extra Stout
7.5% ABV

Melinda - It's actually not bad.
Michael - Yeah, it's my favorite.
Mama Whittington - I can chug this!
Ruben Jr., Jr. - It doesn't have a beer taste.
Lynn - It has a very coffee taste.
 - Kurt - Well duh.
Ruben Sr. - It's good!
Lynn - This isn't good, but I like the Guiness Black Lager better. 
Tiff - I drink enough coffee, I don't need amy beer to taste like coffee, too. 

Beer #10 - Whiskey Barrel Aged Amber Beer
12% ABV

Ruben Jr. - This has a good story (on the bottle) - give me a hit. It has a whiskey hit to it!
Papa Whittington - Melted wax cap - this is some high class shit!
Lynn - Doesn't taste as strong as it should. It's smooth.
Kurt - It has a serious "huh."
Christina - Does this have a scent? I can't smell anything.
Kurt - I figured out the "huh" - its the whiskey! 
 - Melinda - You're so smart. 

Beer #11 - Figueroa Mountain Hoppy Poppy IPA
6.5% ABV

Kurt - I like it!
Everyone else - We're drunk . . .  

Note - Actually, the below pictured beer was the last beer we tasted that day. That would be beer #12. However, Mr. Notetaker here was too tanked to take notes and doesn't even remember drinking this beer. I didn't understand where this picture was from until my wife explained it all to me. 

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